Inner West Rent Roll & South-West
This rent roll has over 680 PUM generating nearly $1m pa (Ex. GST) management fees (fully let). Residential AAMI $1,401.00 (Ex. GST) per...
Western Sydney Rent Roll (Receivers & Managers Appointed)
Morgan Kelly & Martie Tziotis of Ernst & Young were appointed Receivers & Managers Appointed of the company. 650+ PUM generating over...
Lower North Shore Rent Roll - High Yield
This rent roll has over 90 PUM generating over $210k pa (Ex. GST) management fees (fully let). Residential AAMI $2,273.52 (Ex. GST) per...
Inner City Rent Roll | Mixed Portfolio
Residential property management of 238 PUM generating $295k pa in net management fees and $395k pa in total PM fee. AAMI is nearly $1,300...
Residential | Commercial Rent Roll & Office
Residential and commercial office boasting 780+ PUM consisting of nearly 500 residential and over 280 commercial properties. Generating...
5 Common Mistakes & Solutions with Rent Roll Transitions
We help many vendors with rent roll transitions and when the rent roll is exchanged, only half the job is done. The real work begins when...