Inner West Rent Roll & South-West
This rent roll has over 680 PUM generating nearly $1m pa (Ex. GST) management fees (fully let). Residential AAMI $1,401.00 (Ex. GST) per...
Western Sydney Rent Roll (Receivers & Managers Appointed)
Morgan Kelly & Martie Tziotis of Ernst & Young were appointed Receivers & Managers Appointed of the company. 650+ PUM generating over...
Lower North Shore Rent Roll - High Yield
This rent roll has over 90 PUM generating over $210k pa (Ex. GST) management fees (fully let). Residential AAMI $2,273.52 (Ex. GST) per...
Inner City Rent Roll | Mixed Portfolio
Residential property management of 238 PUM generating $295k pa in net management fees and $395k pa in total PM fee. AAMI is nearly $1,300...
Residential | Commercial Rent Roll & Office
Residential and commercial office boasting 780+ PUM consisting of nearly 500 residential and over 280 commercial properties. Generating...
Tips for Paying for Goodwill
During my holidays recently I saw some change near where I lived and it prompted me to put pen to paper. A favourite restaurant for many...